Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Red Eyes

Monday I spent about five more hours on my Peace Corps application... skill addendums, where I had to basically re-arrange all the information that I had already given them. When I finished I decided to go for a swim to burn off some of the caffeine that I find necessary to consume when I am doing anything that requires any degree of concentration. And the swim was amazing... I was totally in the zone. However, when I got out, my eyes were BRIGHT red... I think I looked really crazy! The worst part of this situation was that I was scheduled to work at a homeless shelter that night... I couldn't go to a homeless shelter with bloodshot eyes!!! So, I rinsed and rinsed my eyes, which helped a little. I bought some eyedrops, and that helped a little more. But they were still red. I decided to take a nap and rest them for a while... But still they would not turn white again! Finally, Jane came home from work and gave me some amazing eyedrops from South America that burned like fire at first. I was scared I would never see again, but then then I opened my eyes and they were fixed... I could go to work without being mistaken for one of the homeless at the shelter!

I have worked at this same shelter twice now, and I love it. The other workers are quality people, and very good at what they do. I learn so much every time I go there, and by the end of every shift, I have a list of things in my head that I want to do more research on. It was a really good feeling to recognize a couple of the faces there today, and I think the more I get to know the clients that come in, the more I am going to enjoy working there.

Tonight we are going to break up the monotony of sitting in the lounge and chatting by actually going out for a steak dinner... I know it won't be anything compared to Daddy's, but I guess nothing is :)


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