Ghost or Gimmick?
Underneath the Royal Mile and the currently touristed part of the city are miles and miles of vaults where people worked and lived hundreds of years ago. There is nothing there now except the cold stone walls and the stories that continue to be passed on about the people of the past that once inhabited those places.
While John was here, we decided to go on a tour of the vaults. Our tour guide was a woman in costume who introduced herself as Mary, a woman who lived in the vaults 500 years ago. As she lead us through the cavelike chambers, she told us various stories about the people of her time who lived and died there, mostly stories of horrific living conditions, filth, plague, abandonment, death... She told us about documented encounters with spirits in the vaults and asked us to remain calm if anything was sighted or felt.
The tour was very interesting and a little creepy, but none of us were too scared until we gathered around a door to hear the story of the man who once lived in this room. This man apparently loved his home so much that although the City Council tried to evict him, he just refused to leave. So, it is said that he absolutely hated visitors because he assumed it would be someone from the city trying to get him to move out of his home. Our tour guide explained that we could not go into this room because the floorboards in there were the originals and the wallpaper was laced with arsenic. However, she said, she could open the door and we could look in and just see the room. She opened the door, and we the crowd peered into the room. In the very back corner, we could see something, but it was hard to tell what it was because there is no light down there... only the light from the torch the guide was holding. It looked vaguely like a person hunched over sitting down wearing a cloak, but it was hard to tell. The tour guides, stops mid-sentence, says more to herself than audibly, "Oh my god," but then continues on with her rehearsed story when someone asks a question. Then, the door slams shut from the inside, the tour guide in a panicked voice, asks us all to move the the exit as quickly as possible. When we are back out of the vaults in the waiting area, seeing that she is really shaken, her co-workers ask if she is ok... She appologizes several times, and assures us that nobody is supposed to be in that room. She seems to have forgotten her rehearsed speil, but summarizes the last part of the tour that we were supposed to do, appologizes again that we didn't get to see the last few rooms, and runs into her manager's office shutting the door behind her.
Thanks for the good times, yo. I really enjoyed the time in the UK. Was nice to have somebody to share the joy & fun with.
You also write a lot better than I do!
8:34 AM
Hope you had a Merry Christmas! I keep dropping by here to check on ya, sorry I haven't been up with commenting...
So when will you be Statesbound again?
1:42 PM
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