Sunday, October 08, 2006

Falling in love with Edinburgh

Yesterday, after nine hours and some nice sleep and scenery on a bus, I arrived in Edinburgh. My hostel here is nice, a very social place with a movie room, a lounge, a kitchen, a restaurant, a dining room, everything a backpacker could possibly want. :) I met a fun group of people right away and we went into town for a while in the evening... The first thing I noticed... Boys here actually wear kilts! I just think it is so great :)... and actually very attractive.

This morning I got on the bus to go into town, went one stop, and was caught almost breathless at the beautiful scenery around the corner from where I am staying... This huge stretch of coastline, the sand surrounded by rolling green hills and parks, people with dogs and children walking on the sand, everything so incredibly green and lush. It looked just like a scene from a postcard... So, I jumped from my seat on the bus, got off at the next stop, and wandered around this area for a while, taking pictures, writing in my journal, watching the other people, imagining what it would be like to live in a place like this.

Eventually I decided that I should probably actually go see the city. So, I spent most of the day just walking around... The famous castle dominated the landscape when I got off the bus in the old part of town, and you can see it from almost every place in the center. It is easy to tell that there is a large student population here... tons of organic food stores, used bookstores and music shops, a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. I stopped for some soup for lunch in one of the cute vegetarian cafes, and shared a table with a woman who ended up telling me all about here life, her job, her children... We even shared the baked potato that she ordered for lunch :)

I have met many people that are working here, and everybody tells me it is easy to find work this time of year (knock on wood), so I am thinking of staying here. Even as I write this, I can't believe I have only been here for one day... I already have favorite places in the town picked out and a group of friends to hang out with at night... Now all I have to do is figure out how to deal with the cold!


Blogger zealeus said...

How cold is it there? We're supossed to get snow flurries later this week...yayyyyy

5:39 PM


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