A picnic in the rain
So, I had some really amazing roommates in my hostel in Paris... They were all very social and fun, and we got along beautifully. We had been planning for our last night in Paris to go have a picnic at the Eiffel Tower... we were all excited about it for the few days beforehand, and kept making plans together about how great it was going to be. But we woke up the morning of our last day in Paris to a dark, cloudy day with rain coming down in a steady drizzle. We went out sightseeing during the day and decided to meet back up later for our picnic, hoping that the weather would be much better by then... But, it rained all day long... the sun just never came out... So, we met back up at the time, and decided that we should just go anyways since we had been looking forward to it for so long (2 days is really long in backpacker time)... so we bundled up in our rain jackets and hats and scarves, and headed to the Eiffel Tower through the rain... When we got there, the park behind the tower that is usually convered with couples, street merchants selling tacky souvenirs and champage, groups of friends, and the occassional guy playing the guitar... well, it was completely deserted... We looked at each other and laughed, found a bench to sit on (because the grass was completely soaking wet), squealed like girls when we sat down on the bench and got completely soaked, and continued to sit and enjoy our picnic... great view, great food, great company... :) It turned out to be a beautiful night, despite the weather... I mean, not many people can say that they had the whole Champs de Mars to themselves :)
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